Vice President II …
Continue ReadingProf. O. D. Jimoh, FNAHS
President …
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Awareness of Climate Impacts and Adaptation in Adawama State, Nigeria A.A. ADEBAYO, A.M. MUBI, A.A. ZEMBA & A.S. UMAR Department of Geography, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, Adamawa state, Nigeria ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to examine the general level of awareness of climate change impacts and adaptations in Adamawa state, Nigeria….
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Biogeochemical Consequences of Hydrologic Conditions in Isolated Stands of Terminalia Cattapa in the Rainforest Zone of Southern Nigeria
Biogeochemical Consequences of Hydrologic Conditions in Isolated Stands of Terminalia Cattapa in the Rainforest Zone of Southern Nigeria Ndakara, O. E. Department of Geography and Regional Planning, Delta State University, P.M.B.1 Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria. ABSTRACT Nutrient cycling is vital to the sustenance and productivity of trees and other plants. Farmers incorporate stands of exotic…
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Challenges of Continued River Niger Low Flow into Nigeria
Challenges of Continued River Niger Low Flow into Nigeria Olomoda I. A. Niger Basin Authority, Niamey, Niger Republic. Abstract Over the last 4 decades River Niger has continuously been affected by the impact of climate change and abuse from human activities to the extent that in June 1985, the river was completely dry in Niamey…
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Monitoring of Groundwater Recharge for Flood Management
Monitoring of Groundwater Recharge for Flood Management Oke M.O. Department of Geography and Environmental Management Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijebu Ode, Ogun State, Nigeria Martins O. and Idowu O. A. Department of Water Resources Management and Agrometeorology Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. ABSTARCT This paper proposes regular groundwater recharge estimation as a viable…
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Towards effective Hydrological Measurements downstream of Oyan dam
Towards effective Hydrological Measurements downstream of Oyan dam Olatunji T. National Water Resources Institute, PMB 2309, Kaduna, Nigeria. Abstract In 2011 the National Water Resources Institute (NWRI), Kaduna developed a Concept Note on Reservoir Sedimentation Study for Bakolori, Goronyo and Oyan dams. The study thrust is in five areas: Reservoir depth sounding, Downstream Studies, Hydrological…
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An Assessment of Rainfall Erosivity in Parts of Eastern Nigeria: A Case Study of Owerri and Enugu
An Assessment of Rainfall Erosivity in Parts of Eastern Nigeria: A Case Study of Owerri and Enugu Balogun I., Adegun O. and Adeaga, O. Department of Geography, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria Abstract Information on the aggressiveness and erosive power of rains received within eastern Nigeria is necessary for the proper management of soil erosion…
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Suggest and follow up on Flood/Erosion Prevention and other impending disasters observed in environmental models
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