Groundwater Prospecting using Geoelectrical Resistivity Method in Abeokuta Metropolis, Southwest Nigeria
Publication Date : 13-04-2020
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Abstract :
Aquifers in the hard rock terrain of Abeokuta metropolis and environs in southwestern Nigeria are characterised, using geoelectrical resistivity method with Schlumberger Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) technique. The study provides insight into the nature of groundwater occurrence, which can guide groundwater exploration and thereby minimise the rate of the occurrence of abortive wells in the study area. Thirty locations were investigated and the VES curves obtained were interpreted and categorised into geoelectric models and type curves for aquifer characterisation. The H, KH, HKH and HAK type curves were obtained. Groundwater occurs, in the study area, within the weathered basement and fractured basement aquifers, which can be as deep as 33 m. A well designed borehole, constructed with appropriate technology, may be crucial for a successful well completion in the study area and areas with similar geology.
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