Analysis of the Effectiveness of Community Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change in relation to Diseases in Kano State, Nigeria | Nigerian Association Of Hydrological Sciences (NAHS)

Analysis of the Effectiveness of Community Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change in relation to Diseases in Kano State, Nigeria

Publication Date : 31/10/2024

Author(s) :

Ahmad Hamza Abdullahi .

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 12
(10 - 2024)

Abstract :

Climate change has become one of the major issues in the world due to its various effects on the physical, chemical and biological system of the universe. The present research analyses effectiveness of community adaptation strategies to climate change in relation to disease in Kano State. The study utilized 784 questionnaires as an instrument for data collection, this was done through systematic sampling technique. The obtained data inform of Likert scale were analyses using percentages and weighted mean. Results showed that majority (78.6%) of the respondents slept in open space during hot condition, 73.8% slept indoor during cold condition, 67.9% use water storage facility during dry season and 64.7% plant trees, while majority (60.8%) of the respondents do not practice distance sleeping even during hot condition as climate change adaptation strategies against outbreak of disease. The study also revealed that sleeping indoors during cold condition with mean value of 3.87 is the most effective adaptation strategy to climate related diseases in the study area, this was followed by planting of trees with 3.73 while sleeping with distances between people with the mean value of 2.87 is not an adaptation strategy in the study area. The study concluded that people in the study area practice climate change adaptation strategies in relation to diseases. Therefore, the study recommended planting of trees as one of the most effective climate change adaptation strategies in relation to disease. Keywords:- Climate change, Disease, Community, Adaptation, Strategies

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